On Wednesday, January 11, 2023, Marco Island took a major step towards improving the city’s landscape by launching the Ten Thousand Trees pilot program.

The initiative was spearheaded by Councilor Becky Irwin, who proposed the concept to City Council in January 2022. The Beautification Advisory Committee, led by David Leaser, presented the initiative to City Council in July 2022 and the Council approved a one-year pilot project to be undertaken in coordination with the Naples Botanical Gardens.
The first plantings of the pilot program took place on West Elkcam Circle, where nearly three dozen cassia trees were planted by Affordable Landscaping. The assistance of the Naples Botanical Gardens ensured that the trees were planted in the most advantageous locations and the City worked with the Beautification Committee to identify the sites.
The Ten Thousand Trees program is the result of the commitment of the City of Marco Island and its residents to create a healthier and more aesthetically pleasing environment. The program is an excellent example of community collaboration and a testament to the power of partnership between City staff and local businesses.
The Ten Thousand Trees program also exemplifies the City’s dedication to sustainability. By planting trees, the City is helping to reduce air pollution and improve the urban environment. Additionally, the trees will provide much needed shade to help keep the city cooler in hot weather and reduce energy costs.
If residents or visitors are interested in donating to the Ten Thousand Trees program, please contact the City’s Public Works department at dwint@cityofmarcoisland.com. The City is confident that the Ten Thousand Trees program will help to make Marco Island a healthier and more beautiful place to live, work, and visit.