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Marco Island Mail Thefts Lead to Arrests; Further Charges Possible

Updated: Dec 9, 2022

On Monday, December 5th, at 5:30 pm, two people were arrested in connection to a series of mail thefts on Marco Island, Florida. Marco Island Police Department arrested two suspects, both from Homestead, Florida, and are identified as Aldriel Cepero-Vazquez (m), Age 24, and Lisandra Herrera de la Cruz (f), age 20.

They were charged with multiple counts of burglary, grand theft, and criminal mischief. The mail thefts began in February and continued into March. The suspects are accused of stealing mail from mailboxes located on Marco Island and nearby communities. Police believe the suspects were targeting checks and credit cards.

In addition to the charges already filed, more charges may be pending. Police are still investigating and are asking anyone who may have been a victim of the thefts to contact them.

The charges that have been put forward so far include:

  • Carrying a concealed firearm without a permit: 3rd degree felony

  • Marijuana possession less than 20 grams: 1st degree Misdemeanor

  • Possession of drug paraphernalia: 1st degree misdemeanor

  • Petit theft more than $100 less than $750: 1st degree misdemeanor

  • possession of personal identification of another person: 3rd degree felony

The Marco Island Police Department reminds residents to protect their mail. They recommend that residents pick up their mail as soon as possible after it is delivered and report any suspicious activity. They also suggest using a locking mailbox or installing a security camera to monitor activity around your mailbox.

This is not the first time mail theft has occurred on Marco Island. Last year, police arrested three people in connection to a series of mail thefts in the area. It is important for all residents to be aware of the potential for mail theft and to take steps to protect their mail.

# Update from Marco Island PD (12/9/22)

Mail Theft Update - All mail recovered was turned over to the United States Postal Inspection Service for processing and return of these mail items to their rightful owner. The Postal Inspectors will contact individual victims once processing is complete. This mail theft impacted 16 different streets on Marco Island. If you reside on any of the streets listed below, please take the time to review bank and credit statements for any suspicious activity.

List of impacted streets

- Alameda Court

- Arawak Avenue

- Bayport Avenue

- Beachcomber Road

- Bermuda Road

- Castaways Street

- Columbus Way

- Dogwood Drive

- Granada Drive

- Lido Court

- Riverhead Avenue

- Sand Hill Street

- Sheffield Avenue

- Tahiti Road

- Twilight Way

- Valley Aisle


What to do if my mail was stolen?

If your mail was stolen, you should contact your local post office immediately and file a mail theft complaint. You should also contact the police to file a report and contact your credit card companies and financial institutions to report any stolen documents. Lastly, it would be best if you considered signing up for a mail forwarding service to help protect your mail from theft in the future.

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